Sunday, August 31, 2008

Be Safe!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone of my friends in Louisiana safety during the storm. Pastor Dino's message today was encouraging. Remember Psalm 23.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A Nice Surprise

Last night I had a date with my husband because my parents wanted to take the kids to play some glow in the dark putt putt. So, we went to TJ Ribs for dinner. On the way to eat, Lance got a call that he had to go pick up some papers from one of his clients that was going out of town. So, we finished dinner and then drove to The Crescent Condominiums to get the paperwork. Well, much to my surprise it was a setup for my surprise party. So many of my friends and family were there to help me celebrate the big 4-0. Jen and Lana even created a picture slideshow of about 80 pictures of me throughout my life. Isn't that cool? I would post it here, but it's pretty long.

However, I didn't have a camera so I can't post any pictures, but if you are reading this and you were there with a camera can you please email me what you took last night? I felt like a Superstar!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Plumeria

I just wanted to show you a picture of my plant. It has sprouted a few little buds. I'm worried about one of them because it's not looking as healthy as the other one, but hopefully it will liven up.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Niece's First Day of School

I got an email from my brother and sister-in-law with some pictures of her first day of pre-school. I just had to share one of them with you because I am so proud of her and she is so beautiful.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Night in Biloxi

Friday night I went to Biloxi with my great pals Jennifer and Lana. They are event planners and they had to set up decorations for an event that one of the casinos in Biloxi were having. So, we left at around 7:30 Friday morning, did a little Nancy Drew work on Hwy. 16 and Walker south by reporting a drunk driver (yes, at 8:00 a.m.), then finally got on the road to Biloxi. We got there around 10:30 and didn't finish setting up until 4:30. Everything looked great! Then, they had a conference call that lasted about an hour so by the time we found a place to eat it was about 8:00. There was a band at our hotel when we came back so we sat for a while and listened to them, and then we decided we were a bunch of mamaws and headed to bed. All in all, though, we had a good time.

Jennifer and Lana

Lana and Me

Saturday, August 16, 2008

God is Good!

I just thought I'd let all of my blogger friends know that my mom went this past Thursday to get a CAT scan done to check on the two tiny spots of cancer that still remain. The doctor called her yesterday to give her the news that the cells have ceased growing!! He was very pleased, of course. I guess she will continue taking the chemo pills to shrink the cells until they are gone. Please keep her in your prayers!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Logan Rides the Bus Home

Logan decided that if I take him to school he will ride the bus home. Which, actually, this works out fine because the bus comes at 7:35 this year instead of 7:50-7:55. Hey, for someone who is not a morning person, this 15-20 minutes means a lot. Here is a video of Logan getting off of the bus yesterday.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Day of Fishing and Bargains

First of all, Lance took the boys fishing at False River today. They had a good time. Apparantly, Lance's bamboo pole was the secret weapon of the day. Lance caught two fish right off the bat, so Logan wanted to try his luck with the pole so he switched with Lance. Within a few minutes, Logan caught a catfish. Not to be outdone, Nick took the pole and told Lance to touch it and do his magic. It wasn't too long after that that Nick caught a Brim (I guess that's how you spell it). Here are a few pics:

They left at around 6:30 a.m. Nick looks thrilled, huh?

Nick and Logan are ready to catch some fishies!

This is Logan's fish. Instead of Logan being in the picture with the fish he caught, he decided to take the picture himself.

Here is Nick with his fish. Notice neither boy will actually hold the fish himself. lol

Now for a little update on the coupon campaign: Well, I'm just starting so don't judge. I used 4 coupons this week and I used 2 of them on an item at Dollar General that is on sale for the week. So, here is how it went down: I had a coupon for $1.00 off Suave hairspray (which I happen to use anyway) if you buy 2. They were $1.97 each so I bought 2 and saved $1.00. Next, I had a coupon for some Cajun Seasoning Mix to save $1.00 if you buy 2. Those were $1.16 each so basically I got one for $.16. Now, here's where it gets good. I had 2 coupons to save $1.00 off Tide laundry detergent. I noticed that Dollar General had Tide on sale this week for $5.00. While at Walmart I checked to see how much it was there (which is where I usually buy it) and it was $6.97. So, I went to Dollar General, got each bottle for $5.00 and then used my $1.00 off coupon for each one. So, basically, I saved $3.00 per bottle of Tide by stopping by Dollar General on my way home and using my coupons. Pretty good for a beginner. Hey, baby steps!

Friday, August 08, 2008

First Day of School

You know, the first day back to school is always a little bittersweet. I really enjoy the time spent with the kids when they are at home, but when they get back to school I am able to get back on a schedule. I should be more disciplined than that, but that's the truth of it. My baby Nick is in 6th grade now. Unreal! My other baby, Logan, is in 4th! Boy, I'm getting old! It makes me sad that they just keep growing and growing. Here are a couple of pics of them before heading to school.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Change of Plans

Don't you hate it when your plans get messed up? My friend Regina was supposed to come over today and we were gonna spend the day at the neighborhood pool. When we got there, the water was green! So, we improvised. We headed to her house where there was a little 2 foot pool and a slip and slide. She pulled out the decorations from Haley's birthday party a couple years back and we proceeded to create an End-of-the-Summer Luau party. Hey, when life gives you lemons (or limes in this case) make lemonade!

The kids thought we were geeks for decorating, but we had fun forcing them to enjoy it.

We even ordered pizza! Doesn't the pool look inviting?

Monday, August 04, 2008

My Plumeria Plant

Ever since I lived in Hawaii the plumeria has been one of my favorite flowers. Well, while in Hawaii this past May I purchased a couple of cuttings to plant here at home. This is a mature plumeria tree:

This is the plumeria flower. It comes in various colors. The yellow and white and the pink are my two favorites.
This is what mine looks like right now.
Pitiful, I know. But did you know that it will take a full year before my plant even has leaves? It will take 2 years to sprout any flowers. (I'm making a sad face.) Anyway, Logan helped me get everything ready and we planted them together tonight. He planted the pink one and I planted the yellow one. I'm sure by the time they sprout their flowers we will have mixed up which one is which. Who cares, as long as I don't kill them in the mean time.

Melissa's Bucket List

This is in honor of Carole Turner who posted her Bucket List and mentioned for others to do the same. I'm having to think about it for a little bit as there are definitely things that I know I have always wanted to do and then some soul searching to figure out the rest. So, here goes:

  • Take a two week coastal tour of Italy
  • Spend a week or two in Greece (including the islands)
  • Be a back-up singer (kind of what I do now, but on a larger scale)
  • See Chicago in concert
  • See The Police in concert
  • Meet Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith)
  • Own a paint horse
  • Go on an African safari
  • Go on an archeological dig
  • Work on an active cattle ranch for a week

I guess this is it for now. Seeing that I will be 40 in about 3 weeks I guess it's too much to ask for much more.