Monday, March 31, 2008

You Gonna Hush Now?

I will probably get some flack about this from some dog lover, but unless you live in my house you can't understand. Our poodle, Bailey, has the shrillest, loudest, most annoying bark of any dog I know. And...she barks at EVERYTHING!!! Today, I told Nick to put the muzzle on her. The funniest thing is, when you put it on her she stands in the same spot and same position for like 20 minutes. She just stands there and stares at you. Lance and the boys feels sorry for her, but I don't. I don't really like her anyway so it doesn't bother me.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blast From the Past

Wow! Today was so much fun! My family tagged along with the Ragsdales to the Civil War Reenactment in Port Hudson today. First we stopped by this little store that can be best described as Walmart meets Cabellas. It's somewhere near St. Francisville. All I know is that it was out in the boonies. Anyway, here's a picture of my brand new cowboy hat. You'll have to excuse the makeup, or lack thereof. It was a long day.

So, after that, we drove to Port Hudson to the Battlegrounds. We got to see the folks adorned in period costume, soldiers sitting by their tents and campfires, some playing their little instruments that I don't know the names of, and then of course the battle. I also got to learn how to do some of the period dances. It was so much fun. Do you think there is some kind of Civil War Dance Society or something? I think I might like to check into it. Here are some more pics of our day.

On our way. That's the Ragsdales up ahead. Pretty day, huh?

Do you think these guys are going to forgive their parents for making them do this?

Here's Mike and Cindy. Is that a Georgia Bulldogs chair?!

Here's Lance, Nick, C.J. and Logan. C.J. and Logan wanted to keep Lance warm.

The Confederates were moving in!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An Afternoon at the Park

Thank God for small favors!! Yesterday I texted Cindy to see if Easter break was over yet and she felt sorry for me seeing that it was only Tuesday. You know, it's amazing how the boys can get along so well with other kids, but when it comes to the two of them they just argue over the silliest things. Does anyone out there get to experience the same kind of sibling love? Anyway, we went to the park and while the kids played, Cindy and I sat and chit chatted the afternoon away. It was such a beautiful afternoon!! Here are a few pictures of the boys:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Man, it's been over a week since I have added a post. It's a shame that the time before a holiday is so busy that you can't even enjoy the holiday. I was so wiped out Sunday night and I slept until almost 9:00 Monday morning. Anyway, here are some pics from the weekend. My boys actually liked their outfits, including their shoes. Would you believe that I had to buy Nick a size 10 (men's size) shoe? He's only 11 years old. I also had to buy him men's sizes in his clothes. My babies aren't babies anymore.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hard Workers

Yesterday, Nick went down to the Winborne Dream Center with the Blue Sushi group to do some service work. Lance and I were over in that part of town so we went to go pick him up and we got a tour of the dream center. I think it's awesome that there is a free place for people to go and get a haircut, clothes, tutoring, a nice playground, and even a place to sleep. I am also so proud of all of the kids that used part of their weekend to go over there and help out. I am so proud of Nick and it pleases me so much that he is a part of Blue Sushi.

I forgot my real camera (sorry Cindy) so I had to take it with the camera on my phone. It takes terrible pictures and the sun was shining in the window, but I took it anyway. Nick really didn't want me to take his picture so Evangeline came and sat down on the row in front of him. So, I "took a picture of Evangeline". Ha, ha, Nick. That's Nick over her right shoulder. Thanks, Evangeline!

Friday, March 14, 2008

New Choir Member

Check out this video of a little 2 1/2 year old girl singing The Lord's Prayer. Someone sent it to me via email. It's adorable!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mmm, Mmm Good!

This week the kids are taking their iLEAP tests at school so I determined myself to get up every morning and make them a good breakfast. Let's see...Monday they had eggs, bacon, and toast. Tuesday I baked biscuits, fried some sausage and scrambled eggs, and stacked it all, added a slice of cheese, and voila... a McDonald's style egg, sausage, and cheese biscuit. This morning I got up and mixed some pancake mix and made those. Looks like they enjoyed it.

Monday, March 10, 2008

My Parking Job

I just had to take a picture of how I parked when I went to Walmart today. I read on J-Dawg's blog that women don't know how to park. Well, I think I did a pretty doggone good job. Whatcha think, Jason?

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Me and Cousin It

We had a great day today at the New Orleans Fairgrounds. It was a beautiful day... a little cool and a lot breezy. While down by the racetrack Lance tried to take a picture of Cindy and me and just as he snapped the wind really took off.

Don't you love Cindy's new look? I think it's very becoming for her. Of course, really, now that I look at the picture, it looks like I let one of my kids get a hold of the scissors with my hair. Yeah, nice...

It was a lot fun. We had a great lunch and an even better dessert. It was a chocolate cake with thick chocolate icing and sprinkled on the icing was little tiny chocolate chips. It was topped off with a chocolate sauce drizzled all over it. Mmmm!!

Once again, I was able to boost my desire for a horse a little more. I loved going down to the paddocks (a word that we learned today that means a holding pen adjacent to stalls) and getting close to the horses and watching them prance around. One of them even had its mane done into cornrows.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

They Grow Up Too Fast!

Isn't it crazy how it seems like just yesterday our kids were babies? I still feel like I should be able to pick them up and carry them around with me. It really hit me the other day when Logan got on the bus how big he is and how fast he is growing. Nick, my 11 year old, is literally as tall as I am and Logan is headed in that direction. I had to make sure that when he got on the bus today I got it on video. Enjoy my baby growing up...

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Horsing Around!

This afternoon we went to Aunt Nancy and Uncle Thurston's house for a surprise birthday party for Aunt Nancy. She was very surprised to see everyone there, but she was shocked when she walked in the room and saw her parents there all the way from Texas. While we were there their neighbor came over. I found out that they own 3 horses and they are out in the field behind their house. Well, I had to go and see them. I was so excited! One of them had a hurt leg so she had to stay in her stall. The other two were out to pasture. Here are some pictures of our afternoon.