Sunday, March 09, 2008

Me and Cousin It

We had a great day today at the New Orleans Fairgrounds. It was a beautiful day... a little cool and a lot breezy. While down by the racetrack Lance tried to take a picture of Cindy and me and just as he snapped the wind really took off.

Don't you love Cindy's new look? I think it's very becoming for her. Of course, really, now that I look at the picture, it looks like I let one of my kids get a hold of the scissors with my hair. Yeah, nice...

It was a lot fun. We had a great lunch and an even better dessert. It was a chocolate cake with thick chocolate icing and sprinkled on the icing was little tiny chocolate chips. It was topped off with a chocolate sauce drizzled all over it. Mmmm!!

Once again, I was able to boost my desire for a horse a little more. I loved going down to the paddocks (a word that we learned today that means a holding pen adjacent to stalls) and getting close to the horses and watching them prance around. One of them even had its mane done into cornrows.


Cindy said...
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Cindy said...

We had a great time with you guys, too playing, um, Bible Bingo! The Bible College looks great and I'm so glad we got that tour! Hope John doesn't read your blog and see our hairdos! He wouldn't be happy! love you guys!

The Maggio Family said...

girl, i am so not a horse fan. one bucked me one time a couple of years ago and i couldnt walk the next day. i've kinda always had a fear of them and i think they know that, when i get on one.

Melissa said...

Oooh, that must have been pretty scary. I love them and I so wish I could own one.