Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Okay, now it's on!

All right, it was said Sunday that I should only blog if my posts are going to be fun and cool. Well, I'm not quite as humorous and witty as some of my counterparts, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

I realized Sunday that I am the only one in my family that can take pictures without closing my eyes when the flash goes off. I love taking pics with my kiddos and they hate it, but they endure it. However, the only problem is that they cannot keep their eyes open when the camera flashes. Below you will find a sample of what I am talking about.

If anyone has any hints on how they can do better, please, let me know!!!


Cindy said...

Woo hoo! Game On Sista! You are back. With regards to the closing of the eye thing. Turn the flash off. That would be my suggestion. love you!

Anonymous said...

I think you should know that despite our conversation on Sunday..(you know the one where you and Cindy talked about your ages like they were a HORRIBLEE thing!) You take marvelous pictures and that outfit your sportin looks like something off a it GIRLLLL..
;-) I love u!!!

The Maggio Family said...

Look how big & handsome Logan is. I dont get to see him as often as Nick. sure should be proud of your boys--they are cute as buttons. I think Nick looks just like you and Logan, Lance. Anyway, proud to call you my friend and it would matter if you were 100, you always look great!