Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Poolside in Waikiki

Aloha!! I have finally gained internet access and can add a post to my blog. We have had a wonderful time here so far. We have visited the Arizona Memorial, gone back to see where we used to live, where I went to high school, we've been to a luau, visited Punchbowl Crater, and driven to Pali Lookout. The weather has been perfect everyday, and oh yeah, we rode out in the ocean in an outrigger. That was cool! Here are just a few of our pictures.

This is the family when we arrived at the airport in Honolulu. The Hawaiian couple went to church with us when we lived out here. They greeted us at the airport with plumeria leis (per my request).

Hey Lana, this is for you!!

This is from my parent's hotel room.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

5th Grade Outstanding Band Member

Well, today was the last day of school. Logan was thrilled to death, and Nick wouldn't have minded having a few more days. Actually, he told me that he thinks there should be school at least one day a week during summer. However, he said it shouldn't be for learning, but for friends to be able to chill out with each other and socialize. I was feeling so proud until that moment.

Anyway, I got a note from the school a couple of days ago saying that Nick would be receiving an award today, so I went to the awards ceremony. I was very surprised when Nick received an award for 5th Grade Outstanding Band Member. I knew he took band one 9 weeks, but I had to ask what would merit the award considering they didn't even play instruments. Nick said it was because when they tried out, Nick did a good job playing the tuba. I guess that is what won him points with his teacher. So, he asked if he could sign up for band for next year. He's gonna play the tuba. I just think that's funny. Great, but funny! You think HPC needs a tuba player in the band?

Patio Progress

I have actually begun assisting Lance in working on the patio. That's why so much is getting done. Nah, not really, although, the kids and I have been pitching in. We refill the wheelbarrow with sand, bring him bricks, and I help tamp down the sand before he lays the brick.

As you can see, it's coming along nicely. The section behind our bedroom is all laid and now he will begin placing the brick on the walkway that leads from the front patio (behind our bedroom) to the back patio (where the gazebo will be.

I think we will stain the concrete that was existing before the brick was laid. That way, it will look a little more flow-y.

Friday, May 16, 2008

What Is That Thing?

Is that a wet rat? Is it Timon with a bleach job? No, wait, I think it's a dog! I decided that I should pretend that I care about the dog and give her a bath. Well, actually, you should have seen her before I wet her down. She had to go outside to potty despite the rain and she looked terrible. Add to the fact that she (along with the rest of the family) was in desperate need of a haircut! So, I soaked her, bathed her, brushed her out, then trimmed the top of her hair before drying it. Doesn't she look so much better?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Swimming, Anyone?

So, the progress on the patio was put to a halt Wednesday, due to the surplus of rain in the area. Makes you wonder how a pool would look, doesn't it? Actually, you can see how a pool would look. It has since been drained of the water (thanks to the fact that the dude that stole the hottub off of our back porch failed to steal the pump as well) so hopefully Lance can begin again on Saturday.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Project Backyard Patio Update

I just wanted to give a quick update of the progress of the backyard patio project. It was about 88 degrees yesterday and about 92 degrees today. After work last night and between baseball games today, there was plenty of work done. There was lots of sweat shed, too. It's going to look good once it's done. It's just a long and tedious process.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Nick's Game

Tonight Nick had his make-up game. Unfortunately, his team didn't win, but Nick was able to pitch the last inning of the game. He struck out several batters. Here are some pics of him doing his thang.

Here are a couple of videos of him pitching. Yeah, mom just had to coach from the sidelines. (Like I've ever even played an inning before.)

Monday, May 05, 2008

What a Workout!

Okay, so this is the new workout video. If anyone out there is looking for a great exercise routine, this is it! I LOVE working out with "The Firm". It has been my character in the past to HATE working out, but since working out with this series I actually enjoy it. I feel guilty if I miss one of my normal workout days. And... you really do see results after just 10 workouts. Well, so much for this little "plug" for The Firm.

I had to preview this workout today (after having already worked out for the day) because I hope to try this one tomorrow. Hmm, I'll let you know how it goes.