Saturday, July 29, 2006

Garage Sale Day!

Whew! Boy am I beat! One of my really good friends from Houma, Kim Nealy, and her husband Steve came up from the bayou last night so that we could prepare for a big garage sale. While pricing and setting up last night, we had to come inside several times to get relief from the heat. Now, mind you, it was around 8:30-9:00 at night. So, it wasn't like it was in the middle of the day. The humidity was tremendous! We finally got everything set up and ready for the big sale. We probably got to sleep around 12:30 a.m. We both were up around 3:00 a.m. because we were just not able to sleep for one reason or another. So, finally around 5:30 we decided to go ahead and get up, get the coffee pot going, and get at it. We opened the garage doors at 6:15 because people were already parked outside waiting. Before we began, we prayed over the sale, and asked that God would send the right people, let us get what we need for our things, and if someone came along that needed help or was in need that He would let us know. We had this little double headboard that we tried to get rid of all day long. We were practically begging people to buy and we could not sell it. Toward the end of the sale, we still had quite a few clothes left and several knick-knacks that had not sold. Two people ( they came separately) came up and we said that after them we were closing shop. One of them took most of the left-over knick-knacks for her little booth at the Flea Market and the other took most of the left-over clothes. When the clothes lady was walking out she asked us what we were going to do with the headboard and we told her that we were probably just going to put it at the road. She asked if she could take it because someone that she knows just lost everything in a fire. We really felt like those last two people were who needed to be last so that we would be able to give that headboard to someone in need. It was really neat.

Well, it's time for some much needed rest! I'm gonna go kick up my heels for a while before I retire for the evening!